Random Walk

This example implements a classical example from mathematics, where successive random steps are taken based on a given probability density function.


In this example, a 2D walk is considered in which the "walker" can take a step forward, backward, left and right with certain probability.

The current position of the walker is denoted as $x$. On the xy-plane, "forward" is considered to be a step "up", i.e. in positive y-direction, and all other directions are chosen accordingly. Then, the position of the walker after taking a step, can be determined as follows

\[x_+ = x + e\]

where $e$ is drawn from the following discrete distribution.

\[E(X) = \begin{cases} p_f & \text{if } X = [0, 1]^T\\ p_b & \text{if } X = [0, -1]^T\\ p_l & \text{if } X = [-1, 0]^T\\ p_r & \text{if } X = [1, 0]^T \end{cases}\]

Note that $p_f + p_b + p_l + p_r = 1$ and that the walker cannot remain at its current position, i. e. $E([0, 0]) = 0$.


The random walk is implemented as a discrete-time dynamical system with a two-dimensional state.

Setting up the Model

The dynamics of the system are straightforward to implement.

function fd_random_walk(x, u, p, t; w)
    return x + w

gd_random_walk = (x, u, p, t; w) -> x

The probabilities $p_i$ for the 4 state transitions are stored in the parameters p.

params = (
    p_f = 0.25,
    p_b = 0.25,
    p_l = 0.25,
    p_r = 0.25,

The random draw function itself can be implemented using the rand() function. It generates a random number between zero and one. The interval $[0, 1]$ is then partitioned into subintervals depending on the probabilities $p_i$.

function wd_random_walk(x, u, p, t, rng)
    r = rand(rng)
    if r < p.p_f
        return [0, 1]
    elseif r < p.p_f + p.p_b
        return [0, -1]
    elseif r < p.p_f + p.p_b + p_l
        return [-1, 0]
        return[1, 0]

The model then can be defined as follows

seed = 1234
random_walk_model = (
    p = params,
    fd = fd_random_walk,
    gd = gd_random_walk,
    wd = wd_random_walk,
    wd_seed = seed,
    xd0 = [0, 0],
    Δt = 1 // 1,

Note how the seed is passed to the model, not the simulation. Giving each model its own seed, ensures reproducibility of results as long as the wd function of the model does not change.

Running the Simulation

The random walk model is simulated like any other model

N = 10
data = simulate(random_walk_model, T = N // 1)

where N is the number of steps taken by the walker.


The following animations show a random walk for N = 10 and N = 1000.

Switching to a different RNG

If you want to use a different random number generator than MersenneTwister, you can pass it to SimpleSim.jl using the options keyword argument of simulate.

using Random
N = 10
data = simulate(random_walk_model,
    T = N // 1,
    options = (
        base_rng = Xoshiro,