Minimal Example

This example simulates a falling object. Its physics are governed by what probably is the simplest example of an ordinary differential equation.

\[\ddot{x} = -g\]

We implement the object by defining a system of first-order differential equations

\[\dot{z}_1 = z_2\\ \dot{z}_2 = -g\]

and implement the system in a fc function as follows

fc_falling_object = (z, u, p, t) -> [z[2], -p.g]

The gravitational constant is stored in the model as a parameter. The output of our system will simply be the current position of the object, i. e. $z_1$.

gc_falling_object = (z, u, p, t) -> z[1]

Now, the whole model can be written as

falling_object = (
    p = (g = 9.81,),
    fc = fc_falling_object,
    gc = gc_falling_object,

Which can be simulated as

data = simulate(falling_object, T = 3 // 1, xc0 = [0, 0])

Done! This is the most minimal example I could think of, essentially being made up of four lines of code!

The position of the object (double integral of $-g$) can now be accessed using data.ycs.