
SimpleSim.jl is a minimalist Julia framework for modular dynamical system simulation.

For installation, run import Pkg; Pkg.add("SimpleSim.jl") from within your Julia environment.


This software project aims at removing a lot of the overhead that a lot of the existing simulation frameworks out there have. SimpleSim.jl does not export any types. The interface almost solely consists of the function simulate and a agreed-upon model structure. The light interface results in most design decisions left up to the user.

At the same time SimpleSim.jl does not compromise on functionality and offers a feature-rich simulation framework.

Short overview

The main point of interaction with the SimpleSim.jl framework is the simulate function. As a first argument it expects to be passed some object that provides hooks with certain names for various functionalities.

Continuous-Time Systems

A simple example of a dynamical system model accepted by SimpleSim.jl would be

my_model = (
    fc = dynamics_function,
    gc = measurement_function,

where we pass two functions dynamics_function and measurement_function that we defined elsewhere.

These two functions follow the typical dynamical systems approach for continuous-time systems

\[\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t), u(t), p, t)\\ y(t) = g(x(t), u(t), p, t)\]

or in Julia

dynamics_function = (x, u, p t) -> ...
measurement_function = (x, u, p t) -> ...

If my_model has no field named p, SimpleSim.jl will pass nothing to fc and gc.

Discrete-Time Systems

Similarly for a discrete-time system we write

next_state_function = (x, u, p, t) -> ...
dt_measurement_function = (x, u, p, t) -> ...

my_dt_model = (
    fd = next_state_function,
    gd = dt_measurement_function,
    Δt = 1 // 10,

modeling the system

\[x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k, p, t)\\ y_k = g(x_k, u_k, p, t)\]

Running Simulations

Simulating a model is done by calling the simulate function

out = simulate(my_model, T = 10 // 1)

add the keyword argument xc0 = or xd0 = to set the initial state of your continuous-time or discrete-time model, respectively.


SimpleSim.jl takes a hierarchical approach to more complex, modular systems. That means any model can have any number of submodels. To define submodels, a Vector, Tuple or NamedTuple of models is passed to the models keywords on creation of the model.

submodel_1 = (
    p = ...,
    fc = ...,
    gc = ...,

submodel_2 = ...

parent_model = (
    p = ...,
    fc = fc_parent,
    gc = gc_parent,
    models = (
        model_1 = submodel_1,
        model_2 = submodel_2,

Now, parent_model has two submodels. Note, that submodels are not updated automatically. They have to be called by their parent model. Only the top-level model passed to simulate is actively updated by SimpleSim.jl.

For calling a submodel, use the @call! macro from within a gc function and add the input you want to give the submodel.

function gc_parent(x, u, p, t; models)
    u_1 = ...
    y_submodel_1 = @call! models.model_1 u_1

    u_2 = ...
    y_submodel_2 = @call! models.model_2 u_2

    return ...

Calls can only be made from within a gc function. Not from within an fc function. To obtain the current output of a submodel without updating it, use the @out macro.

function fc_parent(x, u, p, t; models)
    y_1 = @out models.model_1
    # ...

Discrete-time systems work in the same way. However, SimpleSim.jl makes sure that discrete-time models are only updated according to their update frequency.


If you used SimpleSim.jl in research and you are preparing a publication, please use the following BiBTeX entry:

    author = {H{\"u}hnerbein, Jannes},
    title = {{S}imple{S}im.jl: {A} minimalist {J}ulia package for modular dynamical systems simulation},
    url = {},
    version = {0.1.4},
    year = {2024},
    month = {04},